Choose a certified installer

Proper installation of your windows and doors is critical to making the most out of your investment. With this crucial step in mind, we have created the Isothermic Certified Installer Program, which recruits and trains installers to ensure they meet our certification criteria.

Installateur certifié Isothermic

This program is designed to provide our customers with the best possible experience and ensure our products perform properly. That way, not only do you benefit from the superior quality of our CAA-Quebec–approved products, you also get the added peace of mind that comes from certified installation service.

What is the Isothermic Certified Installer Program?

The contractors in our Certified Installer Program have all been selected and approved by Isothermic. Our Isothermic-approved installers have completed the latest training on the A-440 national standard, as well as mandatory training on our products and our high expectations.

Certified installers must meet four quality criteria to maintain their certification:

  • Take part in the Isothermic continuing training program
  • Score 100% in our training program tests
  • Submit to surprise inspections
  • Obtain customer satisfaction scores of 95% and over

Planning renovations involving door and window replacement? We are here for you. To find a retailer near you and request a free quote, click here.

Happy shopping. We look forward to meeting you!

Testimonial from a certified installer

“I have been a door and window installer for over 15 years. I have worked for different manufacturers and distributors, and I’ve noticed that doors and windows are constantly changing. There are so many products and assembly options available. As a professional, I have a responsibility to understand, master and apply the Canadian installation standard and manufacturer’s recommendations. With Isothermic, we get training tailored to our work as door and window installers. I think it’s great that a company is finally taking installation seriously. The installation program developed by the Isothermic team is really comprehensive. They’ve thought of everything from A to Z. I’m happy to be an Isothermic certified installer.”– Charles L.