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Isothermic news

Isothermic joins Grande Tablée
On November 20, we participated in the Grande Tablée de Montréal, organized by Tablée des chefs, along with its president Jean-François Archambault, spokesperson Ricardo Larrivée, and honorary president Brigitte Coutu. As a partner, we’re proud to help feed people in need and combat food waste.
Photo credit: Victor Diaz Lamich

Isothermic sponsors Skibec Alpin
Isothermic is now a proud Skibec Alpin gold partner.
“At Isothermic, we believe in the next generation and the drive to achieve even the most ambitious goals. Everybody have a great ski season!”, David Aubert, président

All the best this season to Club de ski Bromont
Isothermic is proud to be a platinum sponsor of Club de ski Bromont.
We wish all the Club’s athletes and volunteers a great ski season!
Photo credit: Club de ski Bromont